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You selected:  Government Information Services  Definition
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add to list service 310-FARM Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation
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Provides a first point of contact for the Department’s programs and resources, including the Farmers Advocate Office and various grants and services.

add to list service 310-LAND Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas
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Accepts reports of illegal activity and public safety issues on Crown land or in Provincial Parks.

add to list service 311 Calgary Provided by: City of Calgary
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Provides information about City of Calgary programs and services.

add to list service 5-1-1 Alberta Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors
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Offers transportation information necessary to plan safe trips across Alberta.

add to list service Aboriginal Business and Entrepreneurship Development Provided by: Government of Canada - Indigenous Services Canada
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Provides funding for a range of services and supports that promote the growth of Aboriginal business in Canada.

add to list service Activities, Parks, and Recreation Provided by: City of Edmonton
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Provides information about programs, activities, and locations of recreation facilities run through the City of Edmonton.

add to list service Alberta BearSmart Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas
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Offers bear safety information and how Alberta communities are reducing conflict between people and bears.

add to list service Alberta Film Ratings Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Arts, Culture, and Status of Women
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Provides film classifications and advisories.

add to list service Alberta Fire Bans Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Forestry and Parks
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Provides information on active fire advisories, fire restrictions, fire bans, off-highway vehicles (OHV) restrictions, and forest area closures across Alberta.

add to list service Alberta Human Rights Commission Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Justice
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Fosters equality and reduces discrimination by providing public information and education programs, and by helping people resolve human rights complaints.

add to list service Alberta Ombudsman Provided by: Legislative Assembly of Alberta
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Protects the right of every Albertan to be treated fairly in the provision of public services.

add to list service Alberta Parks Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Forestry and Parks
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Conserves lands, habitats, and wildlife, provides facilities and services for nature-based recreation, offers diverse experiences to the tourism industry, and positively contributes to the province's quality of life by connecting people to nature.

add to list service Alberta Premier's Office Provided by: Office of the Premier
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Provides online resources for the public to inquire about the Premier's office.

add to list service Alberta Supports Centre Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Seniors, Community, and Social Services
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Provides information on more than 30 programs and 120 services.

add to list service Alberta.ca Account Provided by: Government of Alberta
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Provides access to participating online government services.

add to list service Animal Care and Control Centre Provided by: City of Edmonton
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Offers licensing, stray animal care, and enforcement services.

add to list service Arts Branch Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Arts, Culture, and Status of Women
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Supports and contributes to the development of the arts in Alberta.

add to list service Attractions and Events Provided by: City of Edmonton
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Offers a variety of attractions to residents and visitors and rentals as well as bookings of recreation facilities and school gymnasiums.

add to list service Automated Reporting for Clients Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Seniors, Community, and Social Services
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Offers automated reporting.

add to list service Bridging Connections Navigation Services Provided by: Family and Community Support Services of Spruce Grove
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Provides information and referral services and point in time navigation support for residents of Spruce Grove and Parkland County.

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Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation
310-FARM (3276)
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Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas
310-LAND (5263)
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5-1-1 Alberta
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors
5-1-1 (Within Alberta)
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Aboriginal Business and Entrepreneurship Development
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Canada - Indigenous Services Canada
1-800-567-9604 (Indigenous Services Canada)
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Alberta BearSmart
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas
1-877-944-0313 (EPA Outreach Services)
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Alberta Fire Bans
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Forestry and Parks
1-866-FYI-FIRE (394-3473) (Fire Ban Information Line)
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Alberta Parks
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Forestry and Parks
1-877-537-2757 (Alberta Parks Contact Centre)
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Alberta Supports Centre
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Seniors, Community, and Social Services
1-877-644-9992 (Alberta Supports Contact Centre)
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Alberta.ca Account
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Alberta
1-844-643-2789 (Alberta.ca Account Team)
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Automated Reporting for Clients
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Seniors, Community, and Social Services
1-866-232-0214 (24 Hours)
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Cadets Program
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Canada - Public Safety Canada
1-800-842-1851 ext:1 (Alberta Region)
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Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Canada
613-748-2000 (National Office)
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Canada Post
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Canada
1-866-607-6301 (Within Canada)
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Canadian Anti-fraud Centre
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Canada
1-888-495-8501 (Report fraud or cybercrime by phone)
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Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Canada
587-230-2450 (English) Calgary
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Canadian Heritage
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Canada
1-866-811-0055 (Canadian Heritage)
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Canadian Human Rights Complaints
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Canadian Human Rights Commission
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Canadian Intellectual Property Office
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Canada - Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
1-866-997-1936 (Canada)
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Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Canada
1-877-249-2782 - (National Consumer Support Line)
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Cheque Information Inquiry Line
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Seniors, Community, and Social Services
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