Patients are revaluated by a multidisciplinary team and are followed by the team from listing for transplant to post transplant. Education regarding heart healthy lifestyle and transplantation is proved from time of referral. Education teaching booklets are provided. Patients may be followed as an outpatient or while waiting in the hospital. The transplant team follows post transplant patients for life.
Provides assessment, listing on the organ wait list, and follow-up for heart transplant clients, including:
- assessing clients to see if they’re eligible for a heart transplant
- education about management options for clients with advanced heart failure or cardiac disease
- monitoring and management of clients while they’re being assessed for a heart transplant and while they’re on the cardiac transplant wait list
- caring for clients admitted to the hospital while waiting for a heart transplant
- caring for clients after the heart transplant surgery
Adults are followed through the Foothills Medical Centre and children are followed through the Alberta Children’s Hospital. The University of Alberta Heart Transplant Program works with both hospitals to follow clients.
Heart transplant surgery for all ages is done at the University of Alberta Hospital in Edmonton.
For more information, see the Southern Alberta Transplant Program website.