This service provides:
Alberta Health Services-Home Care clients
Adults under 65 years who have physical or cognitive impairments, difficulties with communication and require assistance. Home Care Case Manager will assess clients using a RAI- Home Care assessment to determine ability to attend a day program. Client must be able to tolerate transport to and from the program
Healthcare providers should consult the Alberta Referral Directory for service referral information.
Alberta Health Services-Home Care referral.
Anyone can refer themselves to a Home Care Community Care Coordinator for assessment. Client responsible for own transportation arrangements. Current clients in LTC, Designated Supportive Living, PDD or are not a resident of Alberta are not considered for day programs.
Has to be referred and admitted by Home Care Program. Current clients LTC, Designated Supportive Living, PDD are not considered for day programs. Clients must have a AB Health Care number (can be discussed with Home Care Case Manager)
There is a daily fee that covers food costs. As this can change please ask the Home Care Case Manager during assessment.
The Alberta Health Services program leader reviews charges according to ability to pay.