Supportive Living
Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Central Zone
Provides rooms, suites, and support services geared to low-income adults over 65 years old to stay independent.
There are eligibility requirements. more...
This service is provided at 22 Location(s)
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location Bashaw Community Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
5308 53 Street , Bashaw, Alberta T0B 0H0
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Camrose Home Care Wheelchair accessible add to list
4615 56 Street , Camrose, Alberta T4V 4M5
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Coronation Community Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
4909 Royal Street , Coronation, Alberta T0C 1C0
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Drayton Valley Community Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
4110 50 Avenue , Drayton Valley, Alberta T7A 0B3
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Drumheller Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
351 9 Street NW, Drumheller, Alberta T0J 0Y1
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Eckville Community Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
5120 51 Avenue , Eckville, Alberta T0M 0X0
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Innisfail Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
5023 42 Street , Innisfail, Alberta T4G 1A9
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Lacombe 4580 46 Street add to list
4580 46 Street , Lacombe, Alberta T4L 1H2
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Olds Provincial Building (South) Wheelchair accessible add to list
5025 50 Street , Olds, Alberta T4H 1R9
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Ponoka Community Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
5900 2A Highway , Ponoka, Alberta T4J 1P5
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Provost Provincial Building Wheelchair accessible add to list
5419 44 Street , Provost, Alberta T0B 3S0
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Red Deer Bremner Ave Community Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
2845 Bremner Avenue , Red Deer, Alberta T4R 1S2
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Rocky Mountain House Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
5016 52 Avenue , Rocky Mountain House, Alberta T4T 1T2
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Sedgewick Community Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
4822 50 Street , Sedgewick, Alberta T0B 4C0
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Stettler Community Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
5911 50 Avenue , Stettler, Alberta T0C 2L0
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Sundre Community Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
212 6 Avenue NE, Sundre, Alberta T0M 1X0
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Sylvan Lake Community Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
4602 49 Avenue , Sylvan Lake, Alberta T4S 1M7
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Three Hills Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
1504 2 Street N, Three Hills, Alberta T0M 2A0
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Two Hills Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
4401 53 Avenue , Two Hills, Alberta T0B 4K0
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Vegreville Community Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
5318 50 Street , Vegreville, Alberta T9C 1R1
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Vermilion Provincial Building Wheelchair accessible add to list
4701 52 Street , Vermilion, Alberta T9X 1J9
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)
location Wetaskiwin Mall Wheelchair accessible add to list
3725 56 Street , Wetaskiwin, Alberta T9A 2V6
Telephone: 1-855-371-4122 (Continuing Care Access)