This central access service provides a single point of entry for children and youth requiring Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy or Speech Therapy services in the Edmonton Zone.
Services support the development of children and youth to participate in meaningful activities of daily life at home and in the community. Focus is on the early years and early intervention to prevent health complications and improve long term health and well-being. We want to understand what's important to your child and family. Services are goal-driven; starting and continuing services is based on having functional reasons / goals for rehabilitation. Therapists will work with parents to provide the tools and strategies to apply in the context of their home and life. Therapy may look like 'play', depending on your child's age. We will work together so you and your child are supported to move to the next developmental stage or between providers and services. Services are provided by phone, zoom and some in person sessions as determined by your therapist. They may be in a group or one to one. Services provided are related to (neuro) developmental conditions and / or medical conditions.