Provides information, support, and referrals to victims of crime in communities across Alberta.
Service provides:
- information on the criminal justice system and the rights of victims
- information on the Victims Assistance Program
- support to victims to mitigate the immediate impact of a crime
- a link between victims and criminal justice system partners
- referrals to community resources - warm handoffs to appropriate government, non-government, community, and professional resources and supports
- assistance in criminal justice navigation including court orientation and court accompaniment through the ensuing criminal justice system process, from the initial police investigation, through pre-trial, criminal prosecution, and sentencing
- co-ordination of services across the region including local teams of staff and volunteer advocates
- engagement with communities at various levels including partnership development, outreach activities, information sharing, and attending local events
Co-located within Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) detachments where appropriate.