Provides colorectal cancer screening to Albertans residing in the Medicine Hat, Brooks and area that are asymptomatic between the ages of 18-74 years old who are medically stable and meet screening eligibility.
The Colorectal Cancer Screening Program is a provincial screening program that works with Medicine Hat, Brooks and surrounding area Family Physicians and Nurse Practitioners. Patients may be referred to the clinic for the following reasons:
- 50–74-year-olds with a FIT Positive tests
- Personal history of Colorectal Cancer
- Personal history of adenomas polyp(s)
- Personal history of inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s colitis.
- Family history
- Genetic syndromes and conditions (e.g., FAP or Lynch syndrome)
- Other: (e.g., occupational hazard (firefighter), acromegaly)
Once referral deemed appropriate, a colonoscopy will be scheduled in patients’ choice of Medicine Hat or Brooks. Education and preparation information will be provided either by email or faxed to the patient prior to procedure date, along with a telephone call to discuss health questionnaire and pre-procedure questions. Follow-up will be discussed with the patient post-procedure.