The Community Accessible Rehabilitation (CAR) Pulmonary Rehabilitation program provides pulmonary rehabilitation for clients with moderate to severe chronic lung disease (as demonstrated on pulmonary function tests).
The program is time-limited, with a focus on the self-management of clients' chronic lung disease.
The following services may be offered in-person or virtually:
Multi-disciplinary, pulmonary rehabilitation program
- supervised, personalized exercise and education sessions for clients with chronic lung disease
- exercise sessions two to three times a week for 8 weeks, which include aerobic and strengthening exercises
- multi-disciplinary disease-specific education sessions on the self-management of lung disease
topics include exercise safety, medications, energy conservation, relaxation techniques, oxygen therapy, personal directives, nutrition and other strategies for living with chronic lung disease.
Home exercise program
- for clients who are unable to commit to the eight week program
limited visits for assessment, individual home exercise prescription and education on the self-management of their lung disease is provided.
Airway clearance techniques
- for clients who require instruction on bronchial hygiene (e.g. client with bronchiectasis)
Virtual session
- requirements: Clients need a desktop, laptop, or mobile device (e.g. smartphone, tablet) with video and audio capabilities