Addiction and Mental Health - Addiction Counselling
Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Central Zone
Provides addiction counselling and conduct related screening and assessments for individuals concerned about their own or another person's use of alcohol, drugs or gambling. Concurrent services are available in conjunction with mental health.
There are eligibility requirements. more...
This service is provided at 28 Location(s)
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location Camrose Addiction and Mental Health Clinic Wheelchair accessible add to list
4911 47 Street , Camrose, Alberta T4V 1J9
Toll Free: 1-866-332-2322 (24 Hour Help Line)
location Castor Community Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
4909 50 Avenue , Castor, Alberta T0C 0X0
Telephone: 403-743-2000
location Consort Hospital and Care Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
Enter through east door.
5402 52 Avenue , Consort, Alberta T0C 1B0
Telephone: 403-743-2000
location Coronation Hospital and Care Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
5000 Municipal Road , Coronation, Alberta T0C 1C0
Telephone: 403-743-2000
location Daysland Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
5920 51 Avenue , Daysland, Alberta T0B 1A0
Telephone: 780-679-1241
location Drayton Valley Community Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
4110 50 Avenue , Drayton Valley, Alberta T7A 0B3
Telephone: 780-542-3140
location Drumheller Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
351 9 Street NW, Drumheller, Alberta T0J 0Y1
Telephone: 403-820-7863
location Hanna Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
904 Centre Street , Hanna, Alberta T0J 1P0
Telephone: 403-854-5276
location Hardisty Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
4531 47 Avenue , Hardisty, Alberta T0B 1V0
Telephone: 780-842-7522
location Innisfail Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
Innisfail Addiction and Mental Health Clinic
5023 42 Street , Innisfail, Alberta T4G 1A9
Telephone: 403-227-4601
location Killam 4811 49 Avenue Wheelchair accessible add to list
4811 49 Avenue , Killam, Alberta T0B 2L0
Telephone: 780-385-7161
location Lacombe Community Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
4580 46 Street , Lacombe, Alberta T4L 2K6
Telephone: 403-782-3413
location Lamont Health Care Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
5216 53 Street , Lamont, Alberta T0B 2R0
Telephone: 780-632-2714
location Myron Thompson Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
Sundre Community Health Centre
709 1 Street NE, Sundre, Alberta T0M 1X0
Telephone: 403-507-8174
location Olds Provincial Building (South) Wheelchair accessible add to list
5025 50 Street , Olds, Alberta T4H 1R9
Telephone: 403-507-8174
location Ponoka Provincial Building Wheelchair accessible add to list
Suite 223
5102-5120 49 Avenue , Ponoka, Alberta T4J 1R6
Telephone: 403-783-7903
location Provost Provincial Building Wheelchair accessible add to list
5419 44 Street , Provost, Alberta T0B 3S0
Telephone: 780-842-7522
location Red Deer 49 Street - Addiction and Mental Health Services Wheelchair accessible add to list
4733 49 Street , Red Deer, Alberta T4N 1T6
Telephone: 403-340-5466
location Rimbey Hospital and Care Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
5228 50 Avenue , Rimbey, Alberta T0C 2J0
Telephone: 403-843-2406
location Rocky Mountain House Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
5016 52 Avenue , Rocky Mountain House, Alberta T4T 1T2
Telephone: 403-844-5235
location Stettler Hospital and Care Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
5912 47 Avenue , Stettler, Alberta T0C 2L0
Telephone: 403-743-2000
location Sylvan Lake Community Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
4602 49 Avenue , Sylvan Lake, Alberta T4S 1M7
Telephone: 403-887-6777
location Three Hills Provincial Building Wheelchair accessible add to list
128 3 Avenue SE, Three Hills, Alberta T0M 2A0
Telephone: 403-443-8532
location Town of Tofield Administration Building add to list
Second Floor
5407 50 Street , Tofield, Alberta T0B 4J0
Toll Free: 1-866-332-2322 (Addiction Helpline)
location Vermilion Provincial Building Wheelchair accessible add to list
Suite #11
4701 52 Street , Vermilion, Alberta T9X 1J9
Telephone: 780-581-8000
location Viking Community Health Centre Wheelchair accessible add to list
5224 50 Street , Viking, Alberta T0B 4N0
Telephone: 780-842-7522
location Wainwright 905A 3 Avenue add to list
905A 3 Avenue , Wainwright, Alberta T9W 1C5
Telephone: 780-842-7522
location Wetaskiwin Provincial Building Wheelchair accessible add to list
Rm. 204
5201 50 Avenue , Wetaskiwin, Alberta T9A 0S7
Telephone: 780-361-1358