Child Intervention Intake and Response Team
Offers to work with children, youth, and families to ensure the safety and well-being of children and youth.
Service offers:
- to work with children, youth, and families to ensure the safety and well-being of children and youth
- referrals to other services and supports for families when intervention services are not needed
- intervention services, which are offered only when the legal definition of abuse or neglect is met and a parent needs some help creating safety for their children or youth
Intervention services include:
- working directly with families, extended family, cultural connections, communities, and others to address concerns
- doing everything possible to make sure that children and youth are safe; this may require legal methods that protect children or youth by placing them in temporary or permanent care
- after-hour teams respond when help is needed for children or youth who may be neglected, abused, or sexually exploited
- Transition to Adulthood Program (TAP) - support and financial assistance agreements, for young adults 18 to 24 years who have previously received intervention services, to help them create a lifelong network of relationships to support them into adulthood and beyond