Men's Aftercare
Salvation Army, The - Edmonton
Men's Aftercare
Provided by:
Salvation Army, The - Edmonton
Provides a second-stage, sober living residential recovery program for those who have completed a substance dependence program recently.
Service provides:
- supportive aftercare housing to men recovering from an addiction
- a mutually supportive group dedicated to second stage recovery
- counselling on relapse prevention, exit planning, life skills training, community reintegration, and the implementation of a follow-up support system after completion of the treatment program
There are eligibility requirements. more...
This service is provided at 1 Location(s)
Keystone Apartments
11830 85 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5B 3E9
Telephone: 780-490-6501
Service targeted to:
- 18 years and older
- who are male or identify as male
- who are in recovery
- and are enrolled in a full-time retraining or educational program, or have full-time employment
Professional Referral Required
To access service:
- referral required
- contact for more information
Keystone Apartments(Other)