A multidisciplinary program that offers services and options for women with pelvic floor issues, including pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence, and bladder dysfunction.
Services offered include the following:
- Education - New patients are required to view the 5 basic modules online. Additional supplementary modules and handouts are available.
- Conservative / Behavioral Therapy - Following a general assessment, conservative and behavioural therapies (diet, activities, exercise, etc.) are discussed and considered. These require patient involvement and commitment to modification of activities and lifestyle.
- Pessary Fitting - Clinic nurses assess and fit women for vaginal pessaries, devices that assist with prolapse and incontinence issues.
- Medical Intervention - When appropriate, medications may be prescribed that reduce symptoms in patients.
- Surgical Intervention The clinic urogynecologists will provide surgical interventions for women with prolapse and stress incontinence issues.
- Physiotherapy - Group sessions and consultations available through internal referral only. Direct referrals for physiotherapy are NOT accepted.
- Urodynamic Testing & Cystoscopy – These specialized tests are done to provide diagnostic information, when required.
Multidisciplinary team delivers patient-centered care, with an emphasis on patient engagement and collaborative care. As this is a tertiary care specialty clinic, patients can expect to be discharged back to their referring provider.
For more information visit our website at Pelvic Floor Clinic Information for the Public