Connects families with high-needs children to trained respite caregivers, centre-based respite, or host home providers in order to give guardians and caregivers a break.
Service provides:
- trained hourly respite caregivers for families with high-needs children
- staff centre-based respite for families with high-needs children
- trained host home providers for families with high-needs children
- a careful matching process between client family and trained respite caregiver / host home
- assistance accessing and navigating Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) funding for client families
Kinnections caregivers provide:
- hourly respite services
- connection with an adult
- support for daily routines
- behaviour management
- in-home support for the child
- community outings
Kinnections centre-based respite provides:
- staffed care facility
- daytime and overnight care (24 hours)
- behaviour management
- an evironment that supports the child's needs and routines
- activities to engage the child during the day
- prepared meals
Kinnections host homes provide:
- private residences
- daytime and overnight care (24 hours)
- behaviour management
- an environment that supports the child’s needs and routines
- activities to engage the child during the day
- prepared meals