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You selected:  Facial Disorders/Disfigurements  Definition
Results 1 to 9 of 9
add to list service Awareness Campaigns Provided by: AboutFace
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Provides awareness campaigns about facial differences.

add to list service Community Events Provided by: AboutFace
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Offers virtual and in-person community events that provide accessible avenues to build connections and support systems.

add to list service Educational Resources and Publications Provided by: AboutFace
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Provides educational programs, resources, and publications.

add to list service Institute for Reconstructive Sciences in Medicine Provided by: Covenant Health
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Provides state of the art care to people who have suffered loss due to cancer or traumatic injury or born with missing features of the head and neck.

add to list service Pediatric Headshape Clinic Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
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Assessment and treatment options for infants with headshape abnormalities that may require surgical interventions.

add to list service Peer2Peer Networking Provided by: AboutFace
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Provides peer psychosocial support for adults and parents across Canada.

add to list service Post-Secondary Scholarship Program Provided by: AboutFace
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Provides annual scholarships for individuals with a facial difference and pursuing post-secondary education.

add to list service Trailblazers Provided by: AboutFace
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Provides programs that support children and youth with a facial difference, as well as their families.

Awareness Campaigns
Alberta Wide
Provided by: AboutFace
1-800-665-FACE (3223)
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Community Events
Alberta Wide
Provided by: AboutFace
1-800-665-FACE (3223)
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Educational Resources and Publications
Alberta Wide
Provided by: AboutFace
1-800-665-FACE (3223)
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Peer2Peer Networking
Alberta Wide
Provided by: AboutFace
1-800-665-FACE (3223)
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Post-Secondary Scholarship Program
Alberta Wide
Provided by: AboutFace
1-800-665-FACE (3223)
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Alberta Wide
Provided by: AboutFace
1-800-665-FACE (3223)
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