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You selected:  Crisis Shelter  Definition
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add to list service 49th Street Youth Shelter Provided by: Youth HQ
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Provides assistance to youth who do not have an appropriate place to stay, or who require additional supports.

add to cart organization A Safe Place
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To end domestic abuse and violence in the lives of women and their children by supporting the shelter and impacting public policy through education and awareness.

add to list service Accommodation and Basic Emergency Services Provided by: Central Alberta Women's Emergency Shelter
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Provides accommodation and basic emergency services for women and their children fleeing domestic violence.

add to list service Accommodation and Support Provided by: Neepinise Family Healing Centre
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Offers emergency shelter and support to women and children in crisis.

add to list service Accommodation and Support Provided by: Northern Haven Support Society
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Offers an emergency shelter for women, with or without children, who are experiencing family violence and domestic abuse.

add to list service Aura Provided by: Trellis
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Provides a housing first program for the youth to have a safe place where sexual orientation and gender identity are respected and celebrated.

add to list service Avenue 15 Provided by: Trellis
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Provides youth who are experiencing homelessness with temporary shelter and basic needs.

add to cart organization Brooks and District Women's Safe Shelter Society
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To actively promote healthy, nonviolent relationships while providing a safe and supportive environment for women, men and their children.

add to list service Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter Provided by: FearIsNotLove
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Provides an emergency residential service for women and their children fleeing domestic violence or living with the impacts of violence and abuse.

add to cart organization Camrose Women's Shelter Society
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To provide a safe, secure, and supportive residential environment for women and children affected by domestic violence or in a crisis situation; to create communities where all people are free from violence and abuse; and to provide awareness and prevention events in the community.

add to cart organization Capella Centre
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To empower individuals and families to break the cycle of domestic violence through safety, knowledge, and respect.

add to list service Child, Youth and Family Support Programs Provided by: FearIsNotLove
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Provides programs at the emergency shelter and in the community for families with children and youth who have experienced or witnessed family violence and abuse.

add to list service Childcare Program Provided by: Camrose Women's Shelter Society
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Provides childcare to families leaving an abusive situation.

add to list service Children's Outreach Program Provided by: True North Society
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Provides longer-term outreach services for children and adolescents who have been exposed to family violence and abuse.

add to list service Columbus House of Hope Women's Emergency Shelter Provided by: Capella Centre
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Provides short-term emergency accommodation and support to women and children in crisis.

add to list service Community Crisis Stabilization Program Provided by: Wood's Homes
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Provides temporary housing and supports for youth experiencing crisis or at risk of becoming homeless.

add to list service Crisis Nursery Provided by: Children's Cottage Society of Calgary
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Provides a safe, home-like environment where parents may leave their children.

add to list service Crisis Nursery Provided by: Kids Kottage Foundation
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Offers childcare for crisis situations.

add to list service Crisis Shelter Provided by: Wellspring Family Resource and Crisis Centre
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Provides safe, short-term accommodations for women in crisis.

add to cart organization Crossroads Resource Centre and Women's Shelter
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To provide emergency accommodation for women, children, and pets in crisis.

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