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You selected:  Assertive Community Treatment  Definition
Results 1 to 6 of 6
add to list service Addiction and Mental Health - Assertive Community Treatment Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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Provides comprehensive outreach services to adults with severe and persistent mental illness who experience difficulty engaging in less intensive addiction and mental health outpatient or community services.

add to list service Addiction and Mental Health - Police and Crisis Team, Adult Provided by: Alberta Health Services - South Zone
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PACT (Police and Crisis Team) is a partnership between Alberta Health Services (AHS) and Local Police Services that responds to situations involving individuals experiencing a mental health, addictions, or psycho-social crisis.

add to list service Addiction and Mental Health - Psychiatric Treatment Clinic Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
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Provides clinic based assessment and treatment for adults who are experiencing primary mental health concerns which may also include addictive behaviours that impact their personal health and wellbeing.

add to list service Assertive Outreach Services Provided by: Alberta Health Services - North Zone
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Assists individuals to live independently in the community, promote recovery, and minimize hospitalization.

add to list service Intensive Community Treatment Services Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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Intensive Community Treatment Services is a step-up intensive community-based treatment program for children and youth experiencing or are at risk of a mental health crisis or hospitalization and their family. This service aims to prevent a hospital admission.

add to list service Personalize Care in the Community Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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Staff support a therapeutic group home supporting youth with CFS status and extreme mental health challenges to live in the community and transition to a lower level of care and increased independence.