Offers a support group for women.
Service provides:
- a support group for women to debrief about their week, receive support with interpersonal issues, learn about healthy relationships, taking care of self, and recognizing boundaries
- facilitation by a skilled professional such as a therapist, social worker, or crisis intervention worker
- flexibility to the participants’ needs in order to help them develop skills and resiliency in facing life’s challenges
a psycho-educational component
topics for group discussion chosen based on specific requests from members of the group or based on themes that emerge from on group participation
information, education, and resources around each chosen topic
Common topics explored include:
- creating healthy boundaries with children, partner, and at work
- emotional, physical, and sexual abuse in relationships
- chemical and behavioural addictions
- barriers to effective communication
- depression
- grief and loss
- physical and emotional well-being
- workplace conflict
- recognizing lived patterns
- physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being (the Medicine Wheel)
- problem-solving skills