Lends smart devices to anyone living with a life-limiting illness in order for them to connect with loved ones, care partners, and needed support from the community.
Service provides:
- the lending of smart devices (iPads, Google Hubs, tablets, and more) to anyone living with a life-limiting illness in order for them to connect with loved ones, care partners, and needed support from the community
- devices pre-loaded with apps, resources, music, books, and more
- a Google account linked to GoogleDuo, Gmail, Google Drive, Google Photos, and Grande Prairie Public Library card
- photos and videos taken on the device will automatically upload to Google Photos as a legacy for family and loved ones to enjoy and review at leisure
- when the device is returned it will be re-set to factory settings and re-loaded for the next family to use and enjoy
- the Grande Prairie Palliative Care Society's website, Plan Well Guide, Alberta Health Services Advanced Care Planning, Senior's Best Life, and Alzheimer Society Alberta and Northwest Territories (ASANT) Cafe added to the homepage of each device to browse through
- GoogleDuo, Zoom, Messenger, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more are installed on the homepage to help individuals connect with loved ones and the community
- virtual volunteer supports such as virtual visitation and virtual grief companioning