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You selected:  Recreational Therapy  Definition
Results 1 to 14 of 14
add to list service Addiction and Mental Health - Recreational Therapy Services, Adult Provided by: Alberta Health Services - South Zone
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This service supports Addiction and Mental Health clients with leisure activities critical to health living, as well as referrals to additional agencies for same.

add to list service Centre Stage Musical Theatre Provided by: Edmonton Down Syndrome Society
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Teaches musical theatre techniques to individuals with Down syndrome.

add to list service Colonel Belcher Adult Day Program Provided by: Carewest
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Adult Day Program (ADP) provides socialization, recreation activities and exercise programs for home care clients and provides respite to family caregivers of adults 18+ who are medically stable.

add to list service Community Linking Programs Provided by: Wellness Network Community Linking Programs
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Offers a variety of community linking programs.

add to list service Connections Provided by: Elements Calgary Mental Health Centre
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Provides a long-term, multi-activity program with three focus area, connecting with self, building social networks, and exploring the community.

add to list service Recreation and Social Programs Provided by: Edmonton Down Syndrome Society
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Offers recreational programs for individuals and families living with Down syndrome.

add to list service Recreation Therapy Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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This service supports the geriatric population on long term care and with some acute care consultations to be discharged back into the community.

add to list service Recreation Therapy Services Acute Care Inpatient Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Central Zone
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This program offers recreation therapy to patients in acute care.

add to list service Social Nights Provided by: Alberta AdaptAbilities Association
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Offers a weekly gathering space for youth.

add to list service Special Needs Support Groups Provided by: Calgary Chinese Elderly Citizens' Association
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Provides programs offered for Chinese seniors with disabilities.

add to list service Tamarack Day Program Provided by: L'Arche Calgary
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Provides day programs for persons with developmental disabilities and individuals who support them.

add to list service Therapeutic Recreation - Community & Outpatient Provided by: Alberta Health Services - South Zone
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This service is to assist individuals with chronic conditions and disabilities to engage in a leisure lifestyle that is satisfying and leads to improvements in function and behavior.

add to list service Therapeutic Recreation Services Provided by: Alberta Health Services - North Zone
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This service supports people who have physical, mental, social, and emotional limitations that affect their ability to engage in meaningful recreation and leisure experiences by assessing past, present and future interests, abilities and strengths and providing programs that promote wellness and reduce or eliminate barriers preventing a meaningful and healthly leisure lifestyle.

add to list service YouQuest Service Days Provided by: YouQuest Young Onset Dementia Association
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Provides support to those experiencing young-onset dementia through activities, community engagement, and recreational therapy.

Community Linking Programs
Edmonton Zone and Area
Provided by: Wellness Network Community Linking Programs
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