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You selected:  Colorectal Cancer Detection  Definition
Results 1 to 10 of 10
add to list service Alberta Colorectal Cancer Screening Program Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Provincial Health Services
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The Alberta Colorectal Cancer Screening Program is a provincial screening program that works to increase the number of individuals, aged 50 to 74, who get screened regularly for colorectal cancer using the Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT). FIT is a home stool test (poop test) that finds blood in the stool. The program also works to help educate individuals about the importance of colorectal cancer screening.

add to list service Alberta Colorectal Cancer Screening Program Provided by: Alberta Health Services - South Zone
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Provides colorectal cancer screening to Albertans residing in the Medicine Hat, Brooks and area that are asymptomatic between the ages of 18-74 years old who are medically stable and meet screening eligibility.

add to list service Colonoscopy Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
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Provides visual examination of the lining of the large intestine.

add to list service Colorectal Cancer Screening - Central Access and Triage (CAT) Provided by: Alberta Health Services - North Zone
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Provides a central referral service for individuals requiring colorectal cancer screening in the North Zone.

add to list service Endoscopy Provided by: Covenant Health
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Provides diagnostic endoscopy services for people with gastrointestinal issues.

add to list service Endoscopy / Colonoscopy Services Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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Provides endoscopy and colonoscopy procedures for gastrointestinal concerns.

add to list service Forzani & MacPhail Colon Cancer Screening Centre Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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Focuses on the screening and detection of colon cancer.

add to list service Gastroenterology Clinic Provided by: Alberta Health Services - South Zone
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Assessment and treatment of gastrointestinal (digestive tract, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder) diseases and / or conditions.

add to list service Gastrointestinal Studies Provided by: Canada Diagnostic Centres
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Uses special x-rays to provide detailed information to help diagnose and treat stomach and intestinal diseases or conditions.

add to list service SCOPE Program Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
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Provides colorectal cancer screening to Albertans residing in the Edmonton zone to asymptomatic patients 50-74 who are medically stable and meet screening eligibility.

Alberta Colorectal Cancer Screening Program
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Provincial Health Services
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Colorectal Cancer Screening - Central Access and Triage (CAT)
North Zone and Area
Provided by: Alberta Health Services - North Zone
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