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You selected:  Government Consumer Protection Agencies  Definition
Results 1 to 6 of 6
add to list service 310-FARM Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation
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Provides a first point of contact for the Department’s programs and resources, including the Farmers Advocate Office and various grants and services.

add to list service Consumer Protection Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction
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Provides information to consumers and businesses about their rights and responsibilities.

add to list service Food and Nutrition Provided by: Government of Canada - Health Canada
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Provides information on food labels, dietary needs, buying food grown or prepared in Canada and how to report a labeling concern.

add to list service Product Safety Information Provided by: Government of Canada - Health Canada
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Provides information on recalls, alerts, Canadian standards and regulations for consumers, and health risks for pest control and chemical products.

add to list service Residential Protection Program Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Municipal Affairs
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Provides warranty protection for new homes and administers builder license requirements in Alberta under the New Home Buyer Protection Act.

add to list service Services for Consumers Provided by: Government of Canada - Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
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Provides information on consumer affairs to manage financial decisions.

Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation
310-FARM (3276)
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Consumer Protection
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction
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Food and Nutrition
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Canada - Health Canada
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Product Safety Information
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Canada - Health Canada
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Residential Protection Program
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Alberta - Ministry of Municipal Affairs
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Services for Consumers
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Government of Canada - Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
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