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You selected:  Nursing Facility Referrals  Definition
Results 1 to 4 of 4
add to list service Continuing Care Access Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
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Offers telephone information, screening and referrals for individuals who require access to Continuing Care services including Home & Community Care, Continuing Care Home Type A and Type B, Palliative Care, Adult Day Programs / CHOICE, and Children's Home Care.

add to list service Diversity Liaisons Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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Offer health system navigation, community education, consultation, and supports in various languages.

add to list service Edmonton Home Living - Care of the Elderly Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
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The team provides specialized geriatric consultation services for complex frail seniors in Home Living.

add to list service Transition Services - Community Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
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Assists clients to access Continuing Care Homes within the Edmonton Zone (Edmonton, St. Albert, Morinville, Leduc, Devon, Thorsby, Sherwood Park and Fort Saskatchewan) through standardized assessment of individual health care needs.

Continuing Care Access
Edmonton Zone and Area
Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
780-496-1300 (Intake)
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Diversity Liaisons
Calgary Zone and Area
Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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Transition Services - Community
Edmonton Zone and Area
Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
780-496-1300 (Community Care Access)
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