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You selected:  Children's Psychiatric Inpatient Units  Definition
Results 1 to 4 of 4
add to list service Child and Adolescent Inpatient Mental Health Services Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Central Zone
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Provides care to patients and support to families with Acute Mental Health needs.

add to list service Child and Adolescent Mental Health Inpatient Services Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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This service provides inpatient mental health assessment and treatment for adolescents and their families.

add to list service Day Hospital - Youth Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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Day Hospital - Youth is a short-term stabilization program that supports children, youth under 18 and their families transitioning from any mental health inpatient units back to their home, school, and community.

add to list service Pediatric Psychiatry - Inpatient Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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Provides inpatient care for children and adolescents with serious, ongoing mental health concerns along with their families.