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You selected:  Arthritis  Definition
Results 1 to 15 of 15
add to list service Acute Knee Injury Clinic Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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Provides care to people with acute knee injuries.

add to list service Arthritis Information Line Provided by: Arthritis Society Canada
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Provides information, support, and referrals for individuals affected by arthritis.

add to list service Arthritis Society Volunteer Opportunities Provided by: Arthritis Society Canada
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Provides volunteer opportunities to help educate and empower people living with arthritis.

add to list service GLA:D Canada in Alberta Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Provincial Health Services
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GLA:D® is a group exercise and educational program developed in Denmark for people with symptoms of knee or hip osteoarthritis (OA).

add to list service Health and Aging Information Services Provided by: Government of Canada - Health Canada
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Provides health resources to assist older adults as they mature.

add to list service Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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Provides diagnosis, co-ordinated treatment and education for children with rheumatic, collagen-vascular and musculoskeletal disorders, and their families.

add to list service Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
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The Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic provides assessment and follow-up for children with complex arthritis and related diseases.

add to list service Physiatry Bracing / Orthotics Clinic Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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This program provides services for adults with acute or chronic musculoskeletal or neurologic disorders.

add to list service Plastics Clinic Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
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This clinic sees patients 17 years and older of age with various plastic surgery related concerns.

add to list service RAPPORT Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
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Provides care for adults with rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis who have been prescribed biologic therapies.

add to list service Rheumatology Provided by: Covenant Health
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Offers inpatient and outpatient rheumatology clinical consults.

add to list service Rheumatology - Outpatients Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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Outpatient clinic providing assessment, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care for clients with Rheumatological conditions.

add to list service Rheumatology - Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis Group Management Programs Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
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The group sessions empower persons living with inflammatory arthritis to actively manage their health and achieve a better quality of life.

add to list service Rheumatology Clinic Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
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Provides care and education to those patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

add to list service Rheumatology Clinics, Pediatric Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
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Service evaluates, diagnoses, and treats children with rheumatic diseases and conditions.

Arthritis Information Line
Edmonton Zone and Area
Provided by: Arthritis Society Canada
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Arthritis Information Line
Calgary Zone and Area
Provided by: Arthritis Society Canada
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Arthritis Society Volunteer Opportunities
Alberta Wide
Provided by: Arthritis Society Canada
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