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You selected:  Gestational Diabetes  Definition
Results 1 to 4 of 4
add to list service Calgary Rural Diabetes Program - Central Access and Triage Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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This is the Central Triage Department for Calgary Rural Diabetes Program. Referrals that meet criteria will be referred for diabetes education and counselling for people with type 1, type 2 or gestational diabetes in the following communities and surrounding areas: Airdrie, Banff, Canmore, Claresholm, Diamond Valley, Didsbury, High River, Nanton, Okotoks, Strathmore and Vulcan.

add to list service Diabetes in Pregnancy Clinic Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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Provides support and treatment for women to manage diabetes during pregnancy.

add to list service Diabetes Management Provided by: Alberta Health Services - North Zone
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Provides education and support for adults with diabetes or pre-diabetes.

add to list service Diabetes Specialty Clinic Provided by: Alberta Health Services - North Zone
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Offers teaching and support related to diabetes.

Calgary Rural Diabetes Program - Central Access and Triage
Calgary Zone and Area
Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
844-445-5588 (Referral phone)
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