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You selected:  Ambulatory Pediatrics  Definition
Results 1 to 7 of 7
add to list service Ambulatory Clinics, Pediatric Medicine Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
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Provides pediatric outpatient services for children who do not need to be admitted to the hospital.

add to list service Child Health Ambulatory Clinic Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Zone
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General Pediatric visits

add to list service Child Health Clinic Provided by: Covenant Health
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Provides support for child health clinics.

add to list service Community Pediatric Asthma Service Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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Non-urgent referrals for Asthma education for pediatric patients and their families with Certified Respiratory Educators (CRE).

add to list service Community Pediatrics Acute Consultation Program Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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Coordination of an acute follow-up appointment with a community pediatrician after a hospital discharge, emergency or urgent care visit with a target of one week.

add to list service Pediatric Specialty Clinic Provided by: Alberta Health Services - South Zone
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This service provides Pediatric Specialty Services with specialists from Calgary.

add to list service Pediatrics Provided by: Alberta Health Services - North Zone
Show all locations  Show 1 location in grande prairie   More services like this
Provides medical and surgical services for children.

Community Pediatrics Acute Consultation Program
Calgary Zone and Area
Provided by: Alberta Health Services - Calgary Zone
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